Key Dates
- Paper Submission (GMT-07:00) June 21, 2021 23:59
- Acceptance Notification August 2, 2021
- Final Paper Submission & Author Registration September 3, 2021
- Early-bird Registration October 7, 2021
- Regular Registration November 6, 2021
A-SSCC 2021
Integrated Circuits and Systems for the Connection of Intelligent Things
The impact of COVID-19 has accelerated the trend of the mobile connectivity. Remote working, video conferencing, and contactless business markets are booming via the link of billions of smart devices. Unrelenting innovations of solid-state circuits and systems have brought powerful communication vehicles into mobile form factors. Thereby, the role of integrated circuits has been more critical than ever to build an intelligent connection between human and human with high security and low power. A-SSCC 2021 is looking for innovative silicon systems and circuit solutions to enrich our life with the Connection of Intelligent Things. The IEEE A-SSCC 2021 (Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference) is an international forum for presenting the most updated and advanced chips and circuit designs in solid-stat and semiconductor fields. The conference is supported by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society and will be held in Asia.
Speakers at A-SSCC 2021
- Kevin Ke Xu
- Computer Vision Hardware Accelerators
- Preben Kidmose
- Aarhus University, Denmark
- Challenges and Opportunities of Dry-Contact EEG Recordings
- Zexiang LI
- Professor, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HKUST
Chairman of Songshan Lake XbotPark
Chairman of Googol Technology
Chairman of DJI - From Labs to Startups: Reinventing Engineering Education
- Wei Deng
- Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Multifunctional CMOS Transceiver for Future Sensing/Communication Fusion-mode Wireless System
- Ruonan Han
- On-Chip Generation and Detection of THz Waves with Orbital-Angular Momentum
- Charles Ching-Hsiang Hsu
- Chairman, eMemory Technology Inc.
Chairman, PUFsecurity Cooperation - Zero Trust Security for Intelligent Electronics
- Harry Muljono
- Intel
- A quantitative method to assess ROI of new silicon features in the context of SoC product
- Ya-Chin King
- Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Navigating in the Vast Research Terrain
- ES Jung
- President & Chief Technology Officer, Samsung Electronics Device Solutions
- Creating the Future with Silicon in the Smart & Connected World
- Katsushi Shindo
- NTT, Japan
- NTT’s IOWN Concept for enabling Smart World
- Soojung Ryu
- Vice president, SK Telecom, Korea
- SAPEON X220: High-performance AI Accelerator for High-quality AI Services
- Ka-Fai Un
- Assistant Professor, University of Macau
- FPGA-based Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator
- Takao Someya
- Dean, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- Electronic Skins for Robotics and Wearables
- Chi-Weon Yoon
- Samsung Electronics
- Trend, Hurdle, and Core Technologies For Next Generation High Performance Storage System
- Tzong-Lin Wu
- National Taiwan University
- Marching toward 6G: National Research Program in Taiwan
- Lan Yin
- Professor, Tsinghua University, China
- Biodegradable materials and electronics
- Yueping Zhang
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Antenna-in-Package (AiP) Technology
- Hyunjoo Jenny Lee
- Professor, KAIST, Korea
- Next-generation biomedical interface
- Oscar Castaneda
- ETH Zurich
- A Resolution-Adaptive 8mm2 9.98Gb/S 39.7pJ/B 32-Antenna All-Digital Spatial Equalizer for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO in 65nm CMOS
- Huajun Zhang
- Delft Univ of Technology
- A −109.1 dB/−98 dB THD/THD+N Chopper Class-D Amplifier with >83.7 dB PSRR Over the Entire Audio Band
- Dongjin Seo
- Neuralink Corporation
- A Fully Implanted BMI (Brain-Machine Interface)
- Kentaro Yoshioka
- Assistant Professor, Keio University, Japan
- Analog to the Rescue? Analog Deep Learning Accelerator Aspects and Challenges
- Kaiyuan Yang
- Assistant Professor, Rice University
- Circuit and System Innovations Towards Robust and Secure Millimeter-Scale Bioelectronic Implants
- Ram Krishnamurthy
- Intel Corporation
- Challenges and opportunities for in-memory/near-memory computing and AI accelerators
- Anirudh Kankuppe
- Imec / Free University of Brussels
- A 67mW D-Band FMCW I/Q Radar Receiver with an N-Path Spillover Notch Filter in 28nm CMOS
- Amir Bozorg
- UC Dublin
- A Charge-Rotating IIR Filter with Linear Interpolation and High Stop-Band Rejection
- Sugako Otani
- Processor Architect, Renesas Electronics, Japan
- What is a processor architect?
- Akihiro Nakao
- The University of Tokyo
- Software-Defined Beyond 5G
- Se-Un Shin
- Assistant Professor, UNIST, Korea
- Power Management Integrated Circuits using Switched Inductor/Capacitor Converters
- Dong Ku Kim
- 5G Forum (Yonsei University)
- Public-Private 6G Lifetime Collaboration in Korea
- Zhisheng Niu
- Tsinghua University
- A Perspective of China’s 6G Researches
- Gregory Cooke
- Univ of Toronto
- 200-GS/S ADC Front-End Employing 25% Duty Cycle Quadrature Clock Generator
- Masanao Yamaoka
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- A CMOS Annealing Machine to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems
- Masoud Babaie
- Delft University of Technology
- Cryogenic CMOS Controller for Large-Scale Quantum Computers: from Specifications to Implementation and Qubit Testing
- Yu-Jiu Wang
- Chairman & CEO, Tron Future Tech. Inc., Taiwan
- My journey from Graduate Student, Professor, to C.E.O.
About Busan